We have officially survived the first week of school! Although, it hasn’t been easy for any of us to get back into the swing of things, I am happy to say that all the kids are doing great and settling down in their new schools. Back-to-school brings lots of extra expenses, so every extra penny we can save is an extra blessing for our household. To save a little money, to be a little more resourceful and a bit green along the way, we decided to turn all those accumulating broken crayons into a fun DIY project.
Recycled Fun Shaped Crayons
Every parent has a craft drawer, bucket or area in their household that hold their kids misfit crayons. These crayons will eventually end up in the trash because the kids refuse to use them due to that they are broken, yucky or otherwise not good for drawing. But why discard them? Why not breath new life back into them? To do that, all you need is to gather all those misfit crayons, purchase a cheap mold at the dollar store, bake them and voila! With these step, you will have new fun crayons all the kids will want to draw with!
Materials you need for your Recycled Fun Shaped Crayons:
- Crayons.
- Flexible silicon molds.
- Cookie sheets.
Steps to follow to create your Recycled Fun Shaped Crayons:
- Pre-heat oven to 275 degrees.
- Remove paper wrapper from each crayon.
- Break crayons into 1/2″ pieces.
- Fill your mold with crayons pieces.
- Place mold with crayons on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until crayons are completely melted.
- Carefully, remove cookie sheets from oven.
- Let the crayons cool down at room temperature until they harden. Or to speed up the process, place mold into the freezer for around 15-30 minutes.
- Release the crayons from the molds by gently stretching the molds first. Then pushing the crayons out of the mold.
- If the crayons are cool to the touch, let the kids have them. If not, let the crayons cool down at room temperature.
That was easy, right? The kids will love drawing with their favorite character and the best part is that if these new crayons break, all you have to do is remelt them and make them again. 🙂 So, what are you waiting for? Grab your old crayons and start creating new fun ones. Also, be sure to come back and let us know how your kiddos love making these Recycled Fun Shaped Crayons by dropping us a note in the comment section below or by tagging us on social media. We will be sure to re-share your amazing creations. Have FUN! 🙂