Have you let yourself dream about retirement?
Thinking about retirement can be daunting, however, you can turn your retirement dreams into reality by finding the perfect roadmap to fit your specific retirement needs.
This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and Prudential.
What’s your retirement dream? Maybe you are dreaming of retiring on a sunny beach off the coast of somewhere or just going wherever your heart leads you? Hey, I too have many retirement dreams, but before we continue; let’s be honest here. The simple thought of retirement can be quite scary if you are unprepared. Since my biggest influencers are my parents, I am going to pass along to you a little of their life wisdom: the key to any successful situation is to be prepared as much as possible. And that’s exactly what I am doing today to make sure my financial future a bright one.
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending an informational event hosted by Prudential (which is a founding member of the Alliance for Lifetime Income) at the Riverside Hotel in Fort Lauderdale to learn all about protecting my retirement. Personally, I am all about women inspiring women, so I was beyond grateful to learn all about what Prudential and the Alliance for Lifetime Income has been doing to raise awareness about the need for retirement income planning and also to be able to be empowered by some amazing women from our own community.
Turn Your Retirement Dreams Into Reality
As I mentioned before, Prudential is a founding member of the Alliance for Lifetime Income and they have partnered with SheSpeaks to increase understanding of the importance of protected lifetime income in retirement planning, and how annuities can help women prepare for retirement. Their goal, with help from Prudential’s financial professionals, is to help you and I make informed decisions which can help us achieve our retirement dreams!
I am a true believer in visualizing where you want to go and then putting a plan into action to get there.
I am sure you have all heard that women are living longer than men. According to findings in the Census’ American Community Survey report, women surviving into their 90s outnumber men by a ratio of almost three to one? if I were to retire by the retirement age of 65, I could potentially be living off my retirement portfolio for 30 years! Although this might sound like a huge financial endeavor, for us women, this simply means we need to find ways to generate regular, reliable monthly income in retirement and not just count on living off of accumulated savings from 401(k)s and other savings vehicles.
Make Sure You Protect Your Retirement Future!
Remember when retirement pensions were the standard? Certainly, we all know that pensions are now mostly a thing of the past. I learned that in the last three decades, the face of retirement income has changed immensely. In years past, pensions and Social Security used to make up the majority of your retirement portfolio, however, today’s portfolios look a little different. For today’s retirees, pensions and Social Security only account for a small percentage of their retirement income, and savings are the greater portion. In other words, we need to make sure to protect our retirement future by making sure our income will last us through our golden years.
So, what can you do to Protect Your Retirement?
To help manage your income streams in your later years, we have to start by looking more into income streams, such as annuities. This just means that we have to focus our efforts into a “paycheck” for life and a reliable source of income. Annuities provide you with an income stream you can count on. In my opinion, the best part about having an annuity is that its income that can help fill in the gaps when you are retired.
How do you know when you have enough saved for retirement?
A couple more things to note here is that, not only do annuities offer a predictable annual income stream as long as you live, they also provide income growth for those taking income later. Also, if you are concerned about your annuities investment or the balance when you are no longer living, you can adjust how you want your investment set-up and you can even assign beneficiaries to your account(s). One last thing, I asked the one thing I knew everyone was wondering, which is: “How do you know when you have enough saved for retirement? Well, the answer is that everyone is an individual and there isn’t a one size fits all answer when it comes to retirement. The good thing though is that a Prudential Financial professional can help you set up your individual roadmap to a successful retirement.
Are you ready to protect your retirement and turn your retirement dreams into reality? With the help of a Prudential financial professional, you can create a strategy for a steady and protected lifetime income. If you are interested in scheduling a complimentary meeting with a Prudential financial professional, you can do so by visiting the SheSpeak Prudential contact page here or to learn more about Annuities, visit the Prudential Annuities Webpage here.